One of my fondest memories from childhood was spending the night at CALI Girl Eboni’s house and being a part of her family’s prayer circle. Eb and I spent the day chatting, watching television, playing dress up, and all the other stuff girls do, but before we went to sleep at night her mother and father would call everyone together so we could pray. It was obvious they did this regularly and they were unashamed, even though they had a guest. At the time, I had never participated in a family prayer circle, so the concept of holding hands with my parents and siblings and praying at home was foreign to me. I couldn’t help but glance around the circle and see that everyone was so comfortable in the presence of our Heavenly Father. I closed my eyes, bowed my head, and prayed as well.
That moment impressed me so much that now that I am married with children, I make it a point to pray with my family almost every night. During our prayer time we acknowledge and thank God for who He is and all that He has done for us. We ask Him to continue to bless us. We pray for our family and friends. We pray for those who don’t know Him. We pray for their teachers, classes and anything else that is on our hearts. As God answers various prayers, I make a huge fuss over it. “See…God answers prayers!” It’s so awesome. Whenever we have visitors, we welcome them to pray with us as well.
As we start off the new year, I encourage you to pray with your family. If you aren’t already doing it, you can initiate it by asking your family to pray with you at least one night a week. I promise you it is a powerful experience. And you will be amazed as you see God move in your lives.
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