Who Knows Why?
A few months ago I led a women’s bible
study where we talked about the importance of understanding our purpose. I gave
each lady an individual assignment. They had five minutes to take a sheet of
paper and create anything they wanted with it. There were only two rules—each
woman was responsible for her own creation and each had to give her creation a
purpose. After the women finished creating, the other women in the group had an
opportunity to look at each creation, say what it was, and assign a purpose to
it. Then I asked each creator if the other ladies had guessed correctly. Nine
times out of 10 the guesses had been incorrect.
In my own case I made what looked
like a bowl sitting next to a balled up piece of paper. The women assigned
labels and purposes to my creation that were good, deep, noble, even…but they
were incorrect. We were in bible study, so I guess it made sense to assume that
I had made a prayer box and a heart (or something like that), but that wasn’t
at all the case.
I told them that I’m usually not that
deep of a thinker. I like things to be fun and simple. My mind was on children
when I made my creation. I thought if I made a paper basketball and “net” for
the children it would bring smiles to their faces and give them something fun
to do. Everyone looked perplexed. I’m sure they wondered what children I was
talking about. Or what these children had to do with anything. I smiled. That
was my point exactly.
When it comes to purpose, it’s
easy to be confused or get things wrong because of incorrect assumptions. Who better
to ask the purpose of a thing than the one who created it? He would know better
than anyone else his reason for making it, right?
We spend a great deal of our
lives trying to figure out why we are here and why we go through certain things.
We try to make sense of why we were born in a certain region or why our parents
were the way they were. Why this? Why that? Why not this? Why not that?
Who better to ask than the One
who created us? I’m certain He knows. I’m also positive He wants us to know our
purpose so that we can do the things we were created to do. First we must look
to Him for the answers.
It’s evident that God’s mind is
much more brilliant and complex than the mind of man. Yes, we were made in His
image, but that doesn’t mean that your purpose is to singlehandedly end world hunger,
eliminate poverty, and found an internet start-up that unites pets across the
land. Those are noble things, but they might not be what He had in mind when he
made you.
I can say that we were created to
glorify God, but my knowledge stops there. You don’t want to look to me to tell
you the specifics about why you were created because I have no idea. I wouldn’t
even suggest that you ask yourself what your purpose is, because you’d be
guessing at best, and getting it wrong could be costly. I would, however, encourage
you to have a conversation with the Creator, take a look into His word, and open
your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the reasons you are here. He may
not reveal it all at one time, but that’s ok. It’s better to take small steps
in His will than big steps outside of it. You can trust that He will direct
your steps along the right path when you look to Him for guidance.
I spent a lot of time searching
for answers to my whys in all the wrong places—self-help books and television
shows that promised to fix everything, Sunday services, and even inside my own
mind. It wasn’t until I asked God, the One who created me, why He made me that
I truly began to see the plans that He has for me. Looking back, I realize that
He had been preparing me all along. I realized that the things He wanted me to
do are the things I had been doing all along—writing, speaking, encouraging. (Recently
it became very clear to me that God
wants me to thoroughly understand the depths of His love so that I can express
it to others and pique their interests about what exactly it means to be
wrapped in His love. Interestingly, as I open myself to experience the fullness
of His love, I can’t help but want to share my testimony and encourage others
to do the same.)
And as He continues to reveal my
assignments to me I partner with Him to make sure they are done to the very
best of my ability, with a spirit of excellence. I’m thankful because knowing
my purpose allows me to walk in it. It also makes it easier to walk away from
those things that don’t align with it. That is liberating.
There is freedom in purposeful
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