I had a ROUGH day yesterday but I'm so thankful for the whisper of love that ended it on a very positive note. I was at the grocery store...hoping not to see anyone I know because I was in a foul mood and looked a hot mess! I was disappointed because I couldn't find the store brand Italian salad dressing (which was only $1.79 🙌🏾) when a lady says, "Hi, Lou." I wanted to scream and crawl under a rock. Who could this possibly be!?!?! I turned around slowly. The lady looked familiar but it took me a few seconds to place her and when I did I can't tell you how happy I was.
A few years back the lady at the grocery store moved in next door to us and my hubby and I, seeing that she was moving everything by herself, thought it would be nice to help her. A year later I sold our place and we moved. I haven't seen that neighbor since. Seeing her yesterday really brightened my day because she was always so kind and pleasant. I gave her two humongous hugs and she said that she misses us but she is so happy I sold my place to the people I did because she absolutely loves them.
That made me reminisce...I had a few offers on the table back then but I chose to sell to a lady who was buying a home for her and her 80-year-old mother. The love she had for her mom reminded me of the love I had for my mom. Theirs was a pure love that I could just feel. Her mom was feisty, funny, and beautiful just like my mom. Her mom requested that I throw my rug in the deal because it was full of circles and in their culture circles are a symbol of prosperity. Anything for her. 😊
Years later my husband and I have been told more than once how sweet they are. The daughter got married and her husband is a kind man as well. It makes me sooo happy to know that they are there enjoying, loving, and blessing those around them and that it is because of a choice I made--one that I'm sure others thought was crazy.
I'm glad I'm not afraid to let Love lead me.
Anyway, after chatting with my old neighbor and bidding her farewell, I found the $1.79 salad dressing sitting on the shelf as plain as day. I grabbed the bottle, headed to pick up a can of tomatoes (for chili) and then to self-checkout.
I thank God for little whispers of love. He knows just how much I need them. ❤️

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